Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Ashamed by the Truth

After a day of recording what technology I used, how often I used it and for how long, I was ashamed of myself. I woke up to my alarm clock going off on my iPhone, sent a few text messages and forced myself to get up. I then put in my headphones and played music while I walked to get oatmeal at Starbucks. On the way I stopped at the AC lab and turned in an assignment on Blackboard and once again sent a few text messages. Luckily I always keep my phone on silent (except for my alarm) because it doesn’t force me to use technology instead it allows me to use it when I want. Anyways, I went to Starbucks while listening to music and got my food and headed to class, during this time I probably sent five or six text messages back and forth to my girlfriend. In class I used my computer to present a PowerPoint and used a touch screen projector, yes a touch screen projector. I have never seen one of those in my life until this year, and yes it was exhilarating. After class I checked my phone multiple times to look for messages and to check the time. Almost immediately after class I had practice and was able to be away from technology for about two hours. After practice I routinely checked my phone again and called my girlfriend and my mom whom had both called during practice. Next came study hall, I had to get a lot of work done for my microeconomics class so I refrained from using my iPhone as much as possible but of course checked it a couple times and sent texts out. After study hall I was very tired and went to bed to take a nap and woke up later that night and once again checked my phone and sent a couple texts. And now I am here, at least a hundred phone checks and text messages later, feeling sorry for myself because I have to admit that I need technology. I do feel like I at least use it sparingly and only when I am not completely focused on something else. I believe that as long as you are productive you can do whatever you want, everyone deserves a vice and I guess mine is technology.

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