Hello All! My name is Tanner Clayton and I am a student-athlete at Arizona Western College in Yuma, Arizona. Let me tell you this place is pretty boring. The two nearest main cities, San Diego and Phoenix, are both at least a two hour drive away! Luckily I have school and basketball to fill my time because otherwise I might go crazier than I already am! Another time filler for me is my Iphone, my MacBook and my Playstation3 (which I use only for the Netflix app). School isn't too difficult after spending a fun-filled year at USC that ended in a pitiful GPA and then a boring year at a community college living at home in San Diego to get my grades and successful lifestyle back on track. What I've learned throughout my adventures in school is that time management is key, and that everything you need to learn to pass is in a text-book, so why not read it? Anyways, here at AWC I'm looking forward to enjoying my first 4.0 in my whole life and I am planning on transferring next fall to play basketball at a Division I school. I use technology every day both for school, and personal uses. I use my laptop everyday to check school email, upcoming assignments and to write papers. I also use my laptop to check our basketball game schedule and to play games on a plethora of video game websites. I use my phone just about the entire day to listen to music, play games, text friends and family, and to talk to my girlfriend on the phone. Overall, technology plays a large role in my life.